Current Speaker Series

Fall 2023 Schedule

The PML speaker series for Fall 2023 will be in the Millikan Room (E53-482) on Monday at 12-1:30pm.  Lunch will be provided.

Monday October 22, 2023: 12-1:30 p.m.

Cory McCartan | Assistant Professor at NYU, Incoming Assistant Professor at Pennsylvania State University

Title: “An Individual Causal Framework for Evaluating Electoral Systems”


Monday October 30, 2023: 12-1:30 p.m.

Melody Huang | Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard University, Incoming Assistant Professor at Yale University

Title: "Towards Credible Causal Inference under Real-World Complications: Sensitivity Analysis for Generalizability"



For any questions or suggestions, please contact In Song Kim or